[xml] Using libxml2 on Windows?


I'm using MS Visual C++ 6.0 and I want to use libxml2 to parse

I have copied the 'libxml2.dll' (version: libxml2-2.6.10.win32.zip) into my
PATH environment (C:\Windows\system32) and added the Lib's 'libxml2.lib' and
'libxml2_a.lib' into the LIB-directory from Visual C++.
If I try to execute the programm, I get the errormessage "iconv.dll not
So, i also copied the 'iconv.dll' into my PATH and added the lib-files into
the LIB-directory from Visual C++.
Now I get a new errormessage. "zlib.dll not found".
Ok. Same procedure (add on the DLL and the Lib's).

I can execute my programm now, but when I try to use the function
(first functioncall from libxml2), I get the error "exception in Test.exe
(ZLIB.DLL): Access Violation"

Has anybody an idea whats my problem is and what can I try to do?
I'm thankful for every Note.

Ronny Seemann

mailto:rseemann konplan com

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