Re: [xml] xmlNewTextChild without parent parameter

    Be aware using the last libxml2 version. I've tried the example
below linking against 2.6.7 and, as espected, xmlNewText() has escaped
built-in entities.
    Within xmlNewTextChild()'s guts it uses xmlNewText(). :)

(This is more directed to the original requestor:)

But isn't this escaping happening at output time, and not in the xmlNewText*() calls?

        Yep! But, anyway.... when outputing tree, entities should be
escaped in both ways.
        Another way he can try is calling xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant()
before xmlNewText().


Lucas Brasilino
brasilino recife pe gov br
Emprel -        Empresa Municipal de Informatica (pt_BR)
                Municipal Computing Enterprise (en_US)
Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
Fone: +55-81-34167078

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