[xml] libxml error redirection


I was wondering what is the best way to tap into the
error reporting mechanism of libxml.

My app has a GUI, and I want to redirect to a string
the error message(s) that are going to the console by
default . I could, then, display that string into a
pop-up box, for example. 

I noticed that I can register a callback (in this case
sprintf) for error(s) resulting from DTD validation
like this:

xmlValidCtxtPtr cvp=xmlNewValidCtxt();
char err_msg[MSG_MAX_SIZE];
cvp->userData = (void *) err_msg;
cvp->error    = (xmlValidityErrorFunc) sprintf;
cvp->warning  = (xmlValidityWarningFunc) sprintf;

The problem with this method is that it's prone to
buffer overflow since I don't know what the max
message size will be.
Also, I'm not sure how to register a callback for
parse error(s) and any other kind of errors or
warnings that libxml might generate.

Any ideas and/or code examples are appreciated.


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