Re: [xml] XML conditional section not closed error could need some more info

Am Donnerstag, den 26.04.2007, 04:29 -0400 schrieb Daniel Veillard:
On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 06:58:49PM +0200, Daniel Leidert wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 18.04.2007, 18:52 +0200 schrieb Daniel Leidert:

parser error : XML conditional section not closed

I got some response from the DocBook guys, that said, that it might be a
bug in xmllint. The DTD can also be found online:

Can you help Daniel? I checked some DTD validation tools and they say,
the DTD is valid. Also libxml2 2.6.27 seems to validate the file
correctly. But 2.6.28 prints the mentioned warning. I checked the DTD,
but didn't find any issues. Bug or not a bug? Shall I open a bug-report
at the BTS?

  Sorry, I forgot the issue, please bugzilla it and remind me from time
to time if I didn't look at it. I'm just too busy with other stuff right
now. It's strange because I don't remember changing anything there recently.

The good news is: We tracked down the issue to the lines causing it and
there is not a different behaviour between the mentioned libxml2
versions. IMHO the lines causing the issue are valid and it's strange,
that they cause this error. But we will do further investigation and
after this, I will open a bugzilla-report if necessary.

Regards, Daniel

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