Re: GNU gettext-0.10.36 for non-ASCII msgid

<> writes:

> On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 01:28:12AM +0900, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
> > 
> > How about fixing all the msgid's which have any non-ASCII character?
> That might be limiting English too much. You have words like naïöe
> and some words with æ in proper English spelling. And then there
> are a number of developers that spell their names with non-ascii
> characters. I would myself feel quite offended if my name was
> misspelled because of silly ascii restrictions.

"naive" and "ae" are used in practice.  

Why should you write your _real_ name as _msgid_?  When you write your
name as msgid, that is not your real name.  It's just an English
representation of your name, like my name in this Email.  In "C"
locale, those non-ASCII characters are unprintable.  And in some
locales your name won't be displayed correctly.

> On the other hand I see the practicallity of it. The problem
> will eventually go away when we shift to utf-8

It will solve the problem.  But then traslators should use UTF-8
capable editor...  The converters in gnome-i18n/UTF-8/ won't work for
ISO-8859-1 incompable charset if there's non-ASCII UTF-8 sequence in

Changwoo Ryu

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