Re: gnome control center trouble with sawfish-0.37.2

Tadayuki Okada <> writes:

> It seems the following files are corrupting:
> capplet/desktop-entries/bindings-porperties.desktop
>                         maximize-porperties.desktop
>                         move-porperties.desktop
> Japanese menue doesn't display porperly.

I just wanted to report something similar.  If I view
bindings-porperties.desktop with Emacs, [el] is displayed quite nice
(Chinese?) but it's not Greek as it should.  German umlauts are gone.

I'm wondering how one is considered to edit and same these .desktop
files...  I guess we should use xml-i18n-tools these days and nobody is
considered to touch these .desktop files manually.  Sadly,
xml-i18n-tools have some other problems reported earlier on the
gnome-i18n list.

work :                          |                   ,__o
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