Re: New PO Template file for `gnucash'

Carlos Perelló Marín <> writes:

> One translator can fetch a .pot from your ftp 

This is unlikely: they would need to know where, inside the ftp, this
POT file is located. More likely, they download the POT from the Web,
and there they cannot avoid seeing the external translations.

Bug let's assume that happens...

> and send it to the robot without look at your web pages.

The robot will refuse the submission, telling them that they are not
the assigned translator.

> It's the same problem that with cvs. Perhaps the robot will reject
> the translation, but the translator has lose his time translating
> it.

Yes, but the translator does that only once (for one
project). Actually, most translators in the TP do that *never*: they
may translate what is recorded as unassigned and untranslated. I know
of no case where translators started translating without first
verifying that there is no existing translation, using the established
procedures for checking.

Now, the established procedure for checking with the TP allow for
external translations. If the established procedure for Gnome-i18n is
to look in a certain directory in CVS, then this directory should
feature some notice, e.g. a README file.

> How will you comunicate my status pages with your robot so both will
> know that one modules is available to translate because the old
> translator is not working on it anymore?

I'm not sure I understand the question. That the translator is not
working on it anymore is not sufficient. The previous translator must
either explicitly say that she won't work on it anymore, or must be
declared unresponsive by the team leader.

When either of these happen, the TP registry will be updated to make
that particular domain unassigned. If you want to, we can establish an
automated notification channel.


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