Po/pot tarballs on the status pages (was Re: gnome-i18n digest,Vol 1 #1523 - 5 msgs)

fre 2004-04-02 klockan 03.57 skrev Javier SOLA:
> My proposal is in relation to new people who now nothing about CVS, but 
> want to start translating. In the status web page it is not specially 
> clear how to download the set of files to your computer (you can do it 
> one-by-one once you figure it out). A helpful answer to this question 
> yesterday was a script... but many people who are starting localization 
> do not know what to do with such a script.
> A simple compressed file with all the po files of the en_US or en_GB 
> translation of 2.6 could save newcomers a lot of time (and people in the 
> list a lot of explanations). I don't know how this would integrate later 
> with the status pages, though.

Ah, now I see what you mean. Indeed, we want as many translators as
possible to easily contribute, and part of that is to have low
requirements for contribution, i.e. no knowledge or use of CVS or
intltool should be required. This is also part of why we have the
current status pages where the po/pot files can be easily downloaded
from, and translated, without such knowledge.

Also, as you point out, an easy way of downloading all the relevant
pot/po files for any language at once would be helpful in this respect,
instead of having to click all the links on the status pages and
download each file seperately. It seems such a thing would not be
difficult to add to the current status pages, since the translation
status pages have to process all the translations anyway -- a mechanism
for tarring up the po/pot files for each language and status page
section and providing this as an additional link on the various section
pages should not be difficult.

In fact, I filed such a request last year as an enhancement request for
the current status pages:

However, it seems that unfortunately most such enhancement requests and
bug reports for the current status pages are being blocked by Carlos for
a long time being planning on rewriting the translation status pages
entirely. I don't know the current status of that. Carlos, can you
clarify on this matter and the above request in particular?


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