Re: GETTEXT message catalog placement

Le dimanche 22 avril 2007 �2:18 +0100, Djihed Afifi a �it :
> Hi,

Hi Djihed,

> We're still having a few problems to agree on a plural forms in Arabic,
> and I am trying to put together a test suit to test a number of plural
> forms. The code that I put together to do this is below.
> My understanding is that I have to:
> 1- mkdir po, and create with an entry for the file name
> 2- run intltool-update --pot
> 3- Translate file.
> 4- put compiled file (msgfmt) in
> /home/djihed/dev/plurals/testcase/po/LL/LCMESSAGES/

The .mo files are being searched in multiple paths, but a common place
is /usr/share/locale/LL/LC_MESSAGES/
> 5- run program with: LC_ALL=LL ./testbin
> (LL is a locale, such as "ar")
> It fails to pick up the translated strings. I don't even know if it is
> finding the .mo file or not.

You can find out with using strace. Something like
strace -e open -o strace.log ./testbin
grep "\.mo" strace.log

You will then see if your .mo file is found, and where the program is
looking for .mo files.

> What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any pointers.

Hope this helps.


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