Re: Continuing with localization effort

Zdravo Renato,

Today at 2:30, Renato Pavičić wrote:

> I've contacted team coordinator for my language (Croatian), but this effor  
> does not look to live lately. Any way some admin could give me acces  
> wrights so I couls continue with localization?

The regular procedure for team coordinator changes is to ask here
about it, CCing the current coordinator.  If he doesn't respond in a
while (like at least 7 days).

However, since Croatian is partially supported language in GNOME[1],
it may be the case that they do their work mostly in the string freeze


> Another question: Could I work offline? I have my extensive translations  
> database. That way I could be 100% consistent in my work. Is there any  
> option for CVS access as in Fedora (I work on that one as well).

Sure, you can use SVN and web pages.  More details on (though, that page points to
CVS, and we have migrated to SVN starting with January 1st, 2007).


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