A coordinator with very long response time


Here is a list of unconfirmed bugs:


For the purpose of clarity, I mention a list of submission times:

1. 2005-03-26 10:15 UTC
2. 2008-01-16 20:21 UTC
3. 2008-01-22 11:25 UTC
4. 2008-01-23 20:21 UTC
5. 2008-01-23 20:44 UTC
6. 2008-04-15 12:19 UTC
7. 2008-04-15 12:36 UTC (this is mine;)
8. 2008-04-26 02:59 UTC (this is mine;)
9. 2008-04-28 05:42 UTC
10. 2008-04-28 06:00 UTC
11. 2008-04-28 06:07 UTC
12. 2008-04-28 06:14 UTC
13. 2008-05-04 13:50 UTC (this is mine;)
14. 2008-05-04 13:52 UTC (this is mine;)

And now the date is: 2008-05-14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Poornader is very busy, why he didn't manage bugs?

He also asked other translators not to submit anything to svn for me,
here is the link of his message:


He said:

>Before I forget, I would like to ask everyone NOT TO apply new Persian 
>translations or patches to the SVN without a review by another more
>experienced translator, please! GNOME doesn't do that for code, and it
>shouldn't do it for translations either.

So PLEASE tell me how can I contribute to gnome translation?

Hi didn't submit my translations (http://417.ir/po) and asked others not to submit!!!!

If he is busy, he SHOULD resign and you must select another coordinator.

Best Wishes,
Mohammad Foroughi.

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