Re: Using Git and separating translations into their own l10n-LL repository

It seems that we are maybe a little bit too passionate about it :)

> What do you need pot-files for? You will get updated po-files which is
> what you need if there already os a translation or a pot-files if
> there wasn't already one.

There are no pot file in the tar.gz.

This has a lot to do with the way both of us get the job done. I'm
sure, that your tech knowledge and awareness keeps you wanting full
extra super overview of the situation. I'm looking for simplicity.
Since I am coping with something I really do not want to do, I am
happy for any improvement. You still seek control. We are exactly on
the opposite sites.

Basically using single folder or updating directly to DL just my
language files in tar.gz, is super OK by me. Single folder can be
managed easier, since I can work on my local folder and only sync
differences, no need to check which files were changed, no additional
copying, no packing, easy word synchronizing and easy management of
string database.  Upload to DL would be next best thing.

>> Agreed! But work on translations, not with committing.
> That is part of the task.

I see it as unnecessary part of the task.

>>  I believe, that It should not be a big deal keeping the
>> structure intact and syncing the whole lot with single folder. Maybe
>> I'm wrong.
> From what I could read from the previous e-mails about how to use git
> with submodules, to link translations in form their own module, it
> will be significantly more complex.

I don't mind it to be more complex as long as it is not more complex
for me. Managing single folder should be as easy as managing any
project so far:

svn(or whatever) update - updates all the language files if there is
more than one committer
svn(or whatever) add [filename] - adds files
svn(or whatever) delete [filename] - removes them (there might be cases)
svn(or whatever) commit <as user> 'Some message about the changes' -
uploads them

The only think to add would be a possibility to "commit as someone
eases credit" <as user> since all the translators do not have committ
rights. If the system is more complex than this, the feature is not
implemented to be usable.


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