Re: l10n for clutter

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Dimitris Glezos <glezos indifex com> wrote:
You can define per-project teams in two different ways. A project like
Clutter can either:

 1. Have its translation teams with team leaders, join requests and approvals.
 2. Re-use the teams of another project on This is
done, for example, by MeeGo: all MeeGo sub-projects re-use the
translation teams of the main MeeGo project:

It's a little bit off topic of the list, but frankly speaking, I really don't like the way of, I mean, for each language, there is one team of the language for every project.

That is annoy for both translators and project maintainers. For translators they have to request to join the translation for each project. And for the project maintainers, they don't automatically get the translation teams for all languages as does, they have to assign/approval for each language.

As a translator on, it's quite easy for me to have a general idea which project needs more translation, and it's free for me to pick one and translate it. It's not to request to the maintainer for the translation. I don't think the project maintainer should worry too much about the quality in this way, since there are team coordinators who will review every translation before they commit. And the team is not specific for any project, that is, the team have successfully translate maybe hundreds of projects. Based on the experience, it's trustful for any new project. At least it's better than project maintainer manually pick someone he don't know, and maybe he/she is just the first one request for translation for the project.

I love doing translation on The only problem is missing connection to external repositories, which is better at They create accounts on sourceforge/github etc, so to allow the project hosting on for translation, the only thing need to do is add the specific user, someone like 'transifex', to the project as developer. That is, it's possible to commit the translation directly to the repository.


Tao Wang

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