Re: Testing help files

Hi Milo,

thanks for help. I'll try it today, and will report how it works for me. If you were so kind and could share your script, I'd be grateful. I discovered in the meantime that placing the translated .page files into corresponding folder in /usr/share/gnome/help/etc. allows yelp to open them fine. And yes, I think writing down these instructions somewhere is a great idea.



Dnia 2010-03-02, wto o godzinie 15:28 +0100, Milo Casagrande pisze:
Hi Aleksander,

2010/3/2 Aleksander Łukasiewicz <aleksander lukasiewicz net>:
> Seems to work this way, but I would like to convert multiple files (there
> are over 40 .page files in the empathy help folder). Is there a way to do
> it?

When I need to test translations I use a small hand-made script that
for every .page file in C, it creates the corresponding translated
.page file.
Unfortunately I don't have the script here with me at the office, but
it goes in something like this:

for i in `ls PATH_TO_FILES` do

(plus some tests to check if it's a file or not)

> Additionally, I cannot open the .page file with yelp. "yelp"
> doesn't open the file. How can I open the .page files with yelp?

You don't have to provide Yelp with the file name, just do, if you are in
the C directory:
yelp ./

yelp `pwd`/

I just have to provide Yelp with the path to the directory containing

(probably these instructions should be written down under the
DocumentationProject on l.g.o...)

Hope it might help.


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