Re: Translating labels with inserted widgets

On Mon, 2011-08-22 at 21:10 +0200, Felix Riemann wrote:
> I'm looking for some input regarding bug 654548[1].
> The bug's problem is a spinbutton widget that is inserted between two
> labels in eog's preferences dialog. This is problematic to translate at
> least into Zulu as the label that is after the spinbutton would be
> empty. Is this an issue to other languages as well? If yes, how did you
> solve/worked around it?

This reminded me of a blogpost that had been in my Drafts folder for
three years called "Reordering Widgets" so I'll dump it here:

Some dialogs are based on an English sentence structure, consisting of
several dropdown widgets.
One complex example from GNOME Evolution:
Go to "New > Appointment > Recurrence", enable "This appointment recurs"
and change the "day(s)" dropdown to "month(s)". You will get:

Every [1,2,...] [day(s),(week(s),...] on the [first,second,...]
[day,Monday,...] [for,until] [1,2] occurrences.

I am not aware of a way to change the order of the dropdown widgets
depending on the language/locale.

A friend came up with this basic idea of a framework, however I wonder
if anybody knows how other systems handle this problem?

  <element type="String">Recurrence every</element>
  <element type="input" name="number">1 2 3 4 ...</element>
  <element type="Selection">
    <element type="String">
      <dependency on="number">
        <element if="1">day</element>
        <element if=">1">days</element>
    <element type="String">
      <dependency on="number">
        <element if="1">month</element>
        <element if=">1">months</element>

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