Re: New team for English Pig Latin epl

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net> wrote:
Le jeudi 13 octobre 2011 à 02:44 -0400, Chris Leonard a écrit :
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         On Wed, 2011-10-12 at 19:51 +0200, Alexander Jansen wrote:
>         > English Pig Latin     Hngliseus Gipus Natilus         epl
>         Is there a glibc locale for this, or have you applied for one
>         in
> ?
> Probably needs to get it accepted as an ISO-639 code first,
> let me know how that goes. . .

Being a "language game", I somehow doubt that it will be accepted by
glibc or iso.

>         For those that had no idea either:
> As a native speaker, I think the request must for some variant like
> epl_NO because in epl_US, the language name would be "ig-Pay atin-Lay"
> and not "Gipus Natilus".

I must admit I'm a bit hesitant about giving resources to those sort of
languages. Of course, nothing prevent anyone from creating the necessary
files for such languages, and then package them for extra installations
on any distro.
But we have to keep in mind that any new language do add costs globally:
setup time on infrastructure level, bandwith time for everyone who
checkout sources, storage cost, more longer language dropdowns, etc.
etc. For any real language, I'm convinced it's always worth the cost,
but not so for languages that have no real native speakers.
Don't we have enough languages on earth to have to add more?

Sorry if I offended anyone. I'm always open to any counter-arguments :-)


I do apologize for not using <sarcasm> </sarcasm> tags in my message.  I completely agree that "epl" would be a waste of resources and I also aplogize for wasting precious attention on a poor attempt at humor.

On a more serious note, I am engaged in several projects to localize the Sugar UI for the OLPC XO laptop into indigenous languages of South and Central America (in particular in Mexicao and Peru).

hus - Huastec (Téenek) has made excellent progress and the OLPC Mexico team may soon be tackling nah - Nahuatl

A group in Peru is planning a translation marathon in Lima for Quechua [most likely the quz - Quechua (Cusco-Collao) variant] as well as aym - Aymara (Aru).

glibc locales are in development and will be upstreamed when ready.

There are certain advantages to working on Sugar L10n, as a graphic-heavy interface, we can provide a fairly fully localized interface on a small string budget (about 10K words covers Sugar and many educational "actviities".  It may be some time before the teams are ready to take on a full Gnome L10n effort, but I will be encouraging them to consider the OLPC "release set" of Gnome packages in order to provide L10n in the Gnome dual-boot on OLPC builds, but we are starting with Sugar first for what I hope are obvious reasons.  One can anticipate that raising kids to expect a native language computing experience will help drive more upstream L10n in future.

If anyone has contacts interested in these indigenous languages or any number of other less-common languages from the less-developed regions that the OLPC effort is targeting, please feel free to join the effort on our Poolte server.

Warmest Regards,


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