Re: Web interface for translation for GNOME

2013/8/29 Fran Dieguez <fran dieguez mabishu com>:
On 28/08/13 13:51, Andre Klapper wrote:

That's simply not true. If you are a translator you go to and download your file, edit it with a local
translation tool, and upload it again.

Having a web interface for translate GNOME could simplify our current
workflow for people that are not tech savvy.

In small teams as our Galician team, we have a lot of problems to maintain
translators just because people that could help us with translations doesn't
have a lot of technical background. Even if our workflow is as simple as
download a file, edit it and upload it.

A lot of people have given up translating just because is a tedious task
(maybe not for me, and for people that got used to it).

An ideal workflow could be:
 - Sing up in this (xxx) service.
 - Enroll our team
 - Translate what ever you want online
 - And our reviewers will do they work after yours.

Obviously this online tool have to enable us to download those translations
to review them manually or with some custom tools (pology, language-tools,
custom scripts, etc).

Just my honest opinion. I don't know what other language groups members
think, but definitely could be a major improvement in our ~daily work
translating GNOME.


If I'm not mistaken, LXDE translators are using pootle and I also
heard there's a GNOME translation team also being using it. I also
have asked somewhat similar question a few years ago here and was too
lazy to configure it. By it I meant pootle server.


Umarzuki Mochlis

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