Re: Shortcut windows and strings' context

2015-12-11 18:28 GMT+01:00 Коростіль Данило <ted korostiled gmail com>:
On 11.12.15 18:57, Piotr Drąg wrote:

For example, in a menu I'd use the
imperative form of "Quit", while in the help I'd have the verbal noun
- both as translations of the same original string.

Help must be more descriptive and use verbs to explain the action, noun
isn't really as clear as verbs to me. For example, instead of "Preferences"
I'd use "Open Preferences dialog". The same for "New/Create", I could use
"New window" in menu, however it confuses because New isn't really verb in
help. But again, it's just my personal feeling.

I know that it differs from language to language, its conventions,
style, etc. But do I understand correctly that your language could
also use context in the help strings?

Best regards

Piotr Drąg

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