Re: Master, which version?


On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn
<lafeber-dumoleyn2 zonnet nl> wrote:
Sometimes I get confused about which version gnome Master is. Is Master
always the newest development version?
I have just updated the Dutch translation of gnome-control-center Master.
Since gnome 3.18 is now stable, I thought this was gnome 3.20, but when I
enter the command git branch -a I see that gnome-3-18 is not listed
(conclusion: 3.18 = Master).
Would it be possible to include the version number in the Master name like
this (e.g. for Gnome 3.18):

master is where development happens.
When a new version is released, the code for this version should not
change too much apart from critical bugfixes. The maintainer creates a
branch for this version and continues work on master. This branching
should happen after the first release of the series as late as
possible, so that translators don't have to work on two branches at
the same time.

For instance, until last week, master was the future 3.18. Yesterday,
3.18 was released. Now maintainers who want to continue developping
features should create a gnome-3-18 branch and work on master. In a
couple of weeks, maintainers will release a 3.18.1 version with the
commits that have been added to the gnome-3-18 branch. This will
include bugfixes and improved translations.

master means "current development focus", so no, it can't change name
as it's a moving target.

Alexandre Franke

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