Re: New strings in gnome-games

Hi Andre,

gnome-games isn't a core moule so we don't have to follow GNOME's release schedule and conventions.

That being said, we do try to release versions at the same time and with the same version number as the other modules, but given how late the development of gnome-games had to start for this cycle (around mid January), I decided to not observe the feature freeze and to add new features up to the string freeze, possibly some small and non-UI changing ones up to the RC.

I considered this a good compromise to avoid having a release with next to no new features, if you nonetheless think it isn't I'll stop introducing changes there for this cycle. :)

Adrien Plazas

Le mer. 22 févr. 2017 à 21:24, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> a écrit :
On Wed, 2017-02-22 at 19:58 +0100, Adrien Plazas via gnome-i18n wrote:
A new feature[1] has been added to gnome-games after the break
I hope you meant "bug fix" instead of "feature", because we're already past feature freeze: andre
Andre Klapper | ak-47 gmx net

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