Re: [DL]String additions to 'gnome-control-center.master'

On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 12:07 AM GNOME Status Pages <noreply gnome org> wrote:
There have been following string additions to module 'gnome-control-center.master':

+ "2G (Preferred), 3G"
    + "2G (Preferred), 3G, 4G"
    + "2G (Preferred), 4G"
    + "2G Only"
    + "2G, 3G (Preferred)"
    + "2G, 3G (Preferred), 4G"
    + "2G, 3G"
    + "2G, 3G, 4G (Preferred)"
    + "2G, 3G, 4G"
    + "2G, 4G (Preferred)"
    + "2G, 4G"
    + "3G (Preferred), 4G"
    + "3G Only"
    + "3G, 4G (Preferred)"
    + "3G, 4G"
    + "4G Only"
    + "Network mode"::"Unknown"

These come from

The strings did not technically exist in the po file or the code
before and this is technically a freeze break. **However** the code
was concatenating parts of them to build these final strings (e.g. it
would recreate the current "2G, 4G (Preferred)" from "2G", ", ", "4G",
and " (Preferred)") and that is a major translation issue. "Unknown"
with the "Network mode" context is completely new.

Here is approval 1/2 from i18n, even if the maintainer forgot to ask
(or even to warn us).

Alexandre Franke
GNOME Hacker

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