Re: High Level View

Hello Greg Breland,

Once you wrote about "High Level View":
GB> After reading all posts so far, this is what I feel the list is saying.  Of
GB> course, Joakim Ziegler or someone will have to set the final list in stone
GB> before we can proceed.  Feel free to suggest additions, subtractions and
GB> different orders to the list below.  Once this list is set, it should not
GB> change and we should test all decisions made against this list to see if it
GB> fits into the big picture.

Yes, the list should be fixed while in development, but such thing as a 
web site may be constantly in development.  For this reason we can use some
kind of a version control, specifying items and their order for each version
of the site.

GB> 1) The site should work on all reasonably recent browsers(need a list)

I would say that Lynx, Netscape, Opera and Explorer should be a good start ;-)

GB> 2) Code, style and content need to be separate from each other so each
GB> person can focus on their area of expertise.
GB> 3) The content must be in a form that is easy to internationalize.(Includes
GB> Graphics)

I would suggest not to use text in graphics.  This will defenetly simplify
things, besides there are other ways to control text, like CSS.  There are
of course things like logos, but they can be left primarely in English or
translated optionally.  The reason for that is also problems with fonts/
languages in some graphic tools.

GB> 4) Code, style and content will be stored in a revisioning system where
GB> checkins can be checked on a test site.  After testing, the changes can be
GB> rolled back or published.

Good idea... and of course, we will need a backup of the current site ;-)
That's a sysadmin point of view ;-)

GB> 5) Information presented on the site should be as "fresh" as possible.
GB> 6) New content is easy to add.

I would say that it should be something auto-premoderated.  What I mean is
that there should be some system, that generates the complete with all extras
content, and then human just has to specify what _not_ to use.

GB> 7) Easy to tell what content is missing for what languages.

...and that to... meaning that translations should be standartized...

 Best regards,
 Leonid Mamtchenkov
 E-mail: leonid leonid maks net

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