Re: A color blocking

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Davies" <michaeld senet com au>
To: "digitect" <digitect mindspring com>
Cc: <gnome-web-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: A color blocking

> digitect wrote:
> >
> > I did a page blocking with four color combinations from an earlier palette.
> > is the flying leap stage where a simple color, structural, or metaphorical
> > can sweep the whole design motion into a completely new direction.
> >
> > These started from a two-sided ying-yang idea, playing on GNOME's dual
> > to serve developers and users in different albeit complementary ways:
> >
> > *
> >
> > *
> >
> >
> Interestingly enough, for me, under Netscape 4.75 on Linux these all have
> black text on the dark coloured reverse "L".  Under Mozilla build M17 the text
> colour is white.

Hmm, the text is supposed to be the reverse of whatever field it is on. Works ok
for me in Netscape 4.76, Mozilla 0.7 in Linux and Netscape 4.76, IE 5.5 Windows,
but I think you caught me trying to simplify my efforts using in-line style
sheets.  :)  Final tests of whatever site we design should definitely consider
older browsers, huh?

Looking at the design (sort of a double center of interest), this type of page
also plays horribly in a text browser. Lynx absolutely destroys it. So maybe a
single stream page would be better.

> But having said that, I like the green one the best, ie. "4d".

Really? I think that's my least favorite and almost didn't post it! Just goes to
show we're all looking at this differently.

> On content,  do we really want developer sub-categories on the main page?
> Without rehashing all the previous emails too much, I still think the main
> page should be "end user" oriented, with a major "Want to help out and be a
> developer?" link clearly visible taking them off to something similar to the
> main page.  Shout me down if you think otherwise.

No, I think I agree with you, for both text browser and design reasons. These
pages were really looking for a graphical means to express the duality of the
GNOME project, but I realize that the design breaks down on every other page
except the first. I'll probably try several more blockings, but I can't see that
any will solidify until we get a handle on a detailed overall site structure.

BTW, Is it just me, or is every list message being transmitted twice?
BTW, Is it just me, or is every list message being transmitted twice?

Steve  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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