Re: [Fwd: Re: Time to code?]

On 19 Jan 2001 19:42:35 -0600, Steve Fox wrote:
> This was probably supposed to go to the list as well. I agree the the 
> front page should static. Whatever we do with Gnotices (I believe people 
> wanted to move off of Zope)

Since I am probably the heaviest user of Gnotices/Zope I would just like
to say that from my point of view it works great. Yet, if getting
Squishdot to run stable is to much work I see why you want it
replaced. I only hope that when designing a new system that you make it
as easy to administer and use.

The request for simplicity goes to the site setup as a whole in fact.
The way pages are designed should be made very intuitive, I spent more
time figuring out how WML works than I actually did updating the
Mailinglist page.  I am currently updating the GNOME Office pages which
just uses a simple system of serverside includes to generate the pages,
it took me two minutes to understand how that worked. (CVS module gw-web
-> my work-in-progress:

My point is that adding content should not require any real technical
understanding of the technologies used for making the pages, most of the
people who want/can add content probably
don't have the time nor patience to spend time on learning about the
technology used to generate
the webpages. (even if they have the basic competence to do so.)

I  also have a couple of other things I think we should implement as
part of the Gnome website:
a) a job database - set up a system where companies wanting to hire
people with GNOME skills can post their job offerings.

b) POW page - Easy system for registering Project of the Week type
tasks. I think that would be a good way to give new coders an entrypoint
to start coding on GNOME.

Christian Schaller

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