Re: index

Olav Vitters wrote:

> I didn't try it yet. I wanted to integrate it within libgo itself.
> Meaning, in the file Haven't found the time yet. I did
> change a few other libgo things (and broke some stuff due to that --
> still investigating where I introduced the bug). E.g. use os.path.join,
> etc.

I spent some time within libgo source code but it looks overcomplicated
and not bandwidth friendly, I fixed a few things, hardcoded other ones
as to avoid network usage (such as ['2.18'] in __liststable method) but
I am thinking about giving up and going through jhbuild instead.

Basically, listing then
iterating over directories and
  jhbuild -m http://.../gnome-x.y.z.modules update meta-gnome-desktop
since this is oh frustrating to walk through libgo code with little hope
to finally reach indexutils.create_indexes().

/* putting frustration to rest */

Attached patch does the following:

 - replaced by my, with a create_indexes
   function as entry point, so it matches the previous and
   works when called at the end of libgo

 - can also be run standalone, so it is actually usable by
   me :)

 - added three .html.en files to skin/, for top, header, and footer of
   indexes files.



Attachment: libgo-indexes.diff.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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