UI guidelines

I just realised my mistake in copying the KDE keyboard shortcut
guidelines: I did *way* more work than I needed to. I should have just
provided a link. I recommend that instead of arguing about Gnome UI
guidelines, we just adopt the KDE ones. We shouldn't even copy them,
because then we'd have to keep checking back to make sure they haven't
changed them. We should just link to the KDE usability pages and say

Advantages of this approach:
(1) We don't have to write any guidelines.
(2) We don't have to maintain any guidelines (other than checking the
link every couple of weeks in case the KDE people moved their page to
make us look stupid).
(3) We can boast about how Free Software embraces cooperation and
standards and reduces the amount of duplicated work and how KDE and
Gnome work well together etc.
(4) We can spend the time we would have spent working on usability
guidelines in the pub[1] (I'm guessing this will be particularly
attractive to the guys at Sun who are being *paid* to work on the UI

Disadvantages of this approach:

	This space left intentionally blank

- Michael

[1] Those of you who live in countries without pubs could spend the time
on IRC, which as far as I can tell is the closest thing you have.

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