Re: [Usability] SM UI plan

Maciej Stachowiak <mjs noisehavoc org> writes: 
> (Side note - is it really necessary for the logout dialog to grab the
> server? What's so bad about letting users click on other apps while
> it's up?)

It makes sense to me that the logout dialog is globally modal. If
you're logging out, why would you want to do anything else?
Of course, we could do this with a pointer/keyboard grab not a server

I'm guessing the main reason gnome-session grabs the server is that
its graphic effect (the darkening of the screen thing) would get all
munged if any app redrew anything. Same reason window managers grab
the server during XOR drawing.

Note that we would have to drop the grab during the actual session
save after you've clicked a button in the logout dialog, because apps
may be allowed to pop up dialogs before they signal the SM that they
are done saving. I'm not sure whether gnome-session does this or not,
it may instead do an InteractNone save, but that seems questionable
if it does.


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