Re: Comments on dialog proposal

On 01Sep2001 03:08PM (-0400), Julian Missig wrote:
> I'll leave it up to others to answer the rest... but with instant-apply 
> dialogs, "Cancel" cancels any actions you did in the dialog since you 
> opened it, thus acting similarly to how "Revert" acts now - except it 
> also closes the dialog. This way the user can try settings, see their 
> effect immdediately, and just Cancel if they don't like them.

I guess I would rather see Close and Revert buttons - Cancel generally
cancels an operation that you'v initiated but that has not taken
effect yet. So it's use in this context may be a bit confusing.

I think better still would be to have only a Close button - you may
think this is scary and users will hopelessly mess up their settings,
but using the Mac OS X System Preferences and the Nautilus preferences
dialog, I've never needed this feature. It tends to be pretty obvious
how to put the settings back if I make a change I don't like.

> And for the record, I like the Mac OS X button ordering and spacing. ;)

Cool. So do I, now that I'm used to it, except when I have to switch
back and forth between Mac OS and GNOME.

 - Maciej

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