[Usability]New Fitt's issue (was Re: Nautilus bugs and design choices)

[actual relation to the topic is at the end]

David Moles <david moles vykor com> writes:

> Not really, but for a sample of the arguments back and forth, you
> could start with this thread:
>   http://mail.gnome.org/archives/hig/2002-January/msg00054.html

Thanks. (Reading about RMS' opinion on GUI matters was really cool!)

I actually don't like the "_ [] X" order on window frames myself, and
the windows users I've talked to admitted to using the "double-click
on title bar to maximize" feature instead of trying to hit that
precariously placed tiny maximize button, and the first thing I did
when I got my windows computer (back in 1996, before I discovered free
software) was to enlarge the buttons from the windows themer.

I don't think it good that it's placed so close to the close button,
especially since metacity shades it's windows when double clicking on
the title bar. The actual symbols are good and I don't mind them from
windows, but the placement is sub-optimal.

I just noticed that metacity/crux isn't very Fitting when it comes to
those buttons. W95 allowed you to "bam! hit the corner with the mouse
and close" when the window was maximised.

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