Re: [Usability]Window titles and WM_* properties

Gregory Merchan <merchan baton phys lsu edu> writes:
> >  WM_NAME Property

Sorry, by NAME I meant the name portion of WM_CLASS.

> > This property must be present when the window leaves the
> > Withdrawn state and may be changed only while the window is
> > in the Withdrawn state.  

This is the part I mean about how you can't change it at runtime.

> As for the WM_WINDOW_ROLE, I never said anything about making it visible.
> Nonetheless:

Nonetheless what? What info there did you feel was relevant?

Making up nonstandard window titles based on non-internationalized
properties that are already used for other purposes is just a bad
idea. Post the idea to wm-spec-list if you want WM authors other than
me to tell you the same thing.

It would be nice to have a mechanism for constructing titles in a
standard fashion - e.g. if the window manager could do 
"sprintf ("%s - %s", appname, documentname)" or something - 
but it requires new window manager hints for "appname" and
"documentname", not bogus interpretations of old hints.


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