Re: [Usability]killing programs in taskbar

mån 2002-11-04 klockan 22.17 skrev Dexter Filmore:
> recently wrote to this list that i can't kill programs anymore by
> right-clicking on the taskbar icon and selevt "kill" from the popup and was
> told this wasn't necessary any longer since clicking the close button had the
> same effect if the application didn't respond after 5 seconds or so.
> Well, this is nonsense. It takes aeons *if* it happens, often enough it won't
> at all and I have to bring up a term and ps ax and kill -9 pid manually.

Sounds like a bug in metacity (I've experienced this too). Please file a
bug report against metacity at

> I want this feature back.

Would probably be better to fix the bug first, or see if it can be


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