Re: [Usability]Some UI review bugs filed

Hey there,

> - Panel menu: more separators (more constructive advice needed for
> bugzilla)

Yeah, we rather waved our hands on this one - it's a pity we can solve
the menu suituation once and for all. The more in flux it is, the
greater it'll hurt us in the end.

> - Panel menu: "Home folder" (not sure if panel or nautilus is doing this
> "wrong")

We just have to decide which is more desireable -

		o gman's Home
		o Home Folder

> - Network servers looks out of place (no advice about where to put it)

Should go exactly in the same place as the Home Folder item [whatever we
end up calling it]. Perhaps it should only be a link in the Go menu
within Nautilus? :/

> - s/Log Out/Log Out.../ (word "possibly" was used)

The problem is if you don't have access to shutdown, restart, suspend
then you won't see the options. Despite this, you still have a
confirmation dialog, but that only appears if you have 'Prompt on
logout' checked in the Sessions dialog. I think, based on this, I'd
prefer to keep it as it is.

> - "Death to Drawers." (uh huh :-) )

Come on, who seriously uses them these days?

> 2. Meta bug at You can
> see all the 2.1.x UI review bugs at
> All new
> UI-review bugs should really be set as blocking this one.

ROCK! Dude, that is very cool.

> 3. Should usability-maint bugzilla gnome org be added to all UI review
> bugs? I didn't want to spam them, but I will batch-add this alias if you
> want.

I think it would be a useful thing to do - I don't think there are too
many people on that alias to spam huge amounts of people.

> 4. If opinions change, you need to add the comment to the relevant bug.
> Bugs don't change automatically based on the consensus of this list.

Yep, it's probably a good idea to carry out discussion on the relevant

> 5. Good work guys!

And thanks a million for doing this - awesome stuff..

			See ya,
				Glynn ;)

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