Re: [Usability]Eugenia's UI review/mockup


this is in reply to a post from the 8th of August 2002 by Eugenia Loli-Queru . I didn't happen to be on the list at that time, so I cannot send a direct reply. Sorry for the inconvience.

Inspired by the mockup attached to the post I created a GTK+ theme engine which implements
some of the ideas outlined in the post. You can find it at .

Attached is a patch against stock gtk+-2.0.6 that adds this little offset to the tabs as can be seen
in the mockup and the first screenshot on the lighthouseblue homepage.

The amount of the offset is configurable via a widget property in the gtkrc file (you can also
set the offset to zero to turn it off).

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ist aber viel gunstiger! Alle Infos:

Attachment: gtk+-2.0.6-notebook.patch
Description: Binary data

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