[Usability] suggestions

Hello there.
I recently switched to gnome 2.2 as my default desktop. During use I notice things that could be different to make it more intuitive or easy to use (for me). I'm not entirely sure where to send this kind of suggestions.

1) Properties of application-launcher. You cant see or change the properties of the appl. launcher, ie. the command it launches. The only way (i found) to change a launcher is to delete the old one and create a new one. I'd suggest a fifth tab where you can see/change all the items you enter when creating a launcher.

2) Nautilus: changing between 'view hidden files and backups' and not, is a common action and should be possible with one action. Now you need to choose Edit -> Preferences and change it there. I'd prefer an entry at the bottom of the Edit menu.

3) Nautilus: the nautilus file view needs a right-click context menu to manipulate the directory that is shown, ie. create new dir, create different file types.

That's it for now. I'd appreciate any response or advise where to send my suggestions.


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