Re: [Usability][ANNOUNCE] open-hci freedesktop org

Would it be possible to merge the guides almost completely? What I mean
is, are they pretty much the same anyway? Are there any conflicts?

On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 03:17, Seth Nickell wrote:
> Dear all,
> Seth Nickell (GNOME Usability Project), Havoc Pennington (Free Desktop, 
> GNOME), and JP Schnapper-Casteras (Free Desktop Accessibility Working
> Group) and myself have been discussing the possibility of co-locating
> the KDE and GNOME Human Interface Guides (HIGs).
> The plan as discussed thus far is to have the two documents co-inhabit
> one XML document. Within this document, each HIG will have its own
> sections as appropriate and will remain available for separate viewing.
> The goal is to have one URL (on and one document
> for developers to go to for KDE and GNOME Human Interface Guidelines. 
> We hope this site can eventually house guidelines for multiple desktops
> and graphical toolkits.
> The easier we can make it for developers to discover and follow such 
> guidelines the better it will be for Open Source desktops in general.
> Since KDE apps are often run on GNOME and vice versa, developers should
> be able to easily reference the guidelines for all the desktops they
> expect their app to be run on.
> Having a shared document will also allow us to start looking at
> commonalities between the documents and perhaps create common chapters
> or sections on basic guidelines and lessons that are desktop and
> toolkit-independent (e.g., accessibility and internationalization tips,
> general usability principles).
> It will take some work to merge the documents, create a web site, and
> raise awareness about the site for developers and people working on
> other non-KDE non-GNOME HIGs. If you wish to join us in these efforts,
> please subscribe to the open-hci freedesktop org email list via the web
> interface at:
> Best wishes to everyone!
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> Usability mailing list
> Usability gnome org
Wesley Leggette <wleggette gate net>

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