Re: [Usability]too much choice?

<quote who="Christopher Warner">

> In relation to the user the same should be true but in this case the
> programmer has the power to make those options available or not. IE: some
> of the items/features, past just the steering and control of the plane, in
> the 757 are useful and for pilots that know how to use them they should be
> made available.

Are you suggesting 'difficulty' levels in the user interface, such as
Novice, Intermediate and Advanced? Been there, tried it, have the scars.
Read the archives of nautilus-list to see why it was removed (Nautilus used
to have user levels).

> A little dial labeled LO/MED/HI as in your microwave example makes sense.

On a microwave, sure. It's the nukage level, nothing to do with complexity.

- Jeff

  We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's wetter   
                             around the edges.                              

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