Re: [Usability]URI's

On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 18:20, Seth Nickell wrote:
> We desperately need a user solution to accompany the technical
> "solution" that URIs are trying to address. A lot of possibilities
> present themselves to my mind, from a sort of "mounting" system (this is
> roughly what OS/X uses for network filesystems of all sorts, and it
> automatically shows hardware devices) to some sort of "resource
> browser". It would be really nice if a lot of them could be merged into
> the standard user view of the filesystem cleanly with NO HOLES, for
> example having ~/Network or DESKTOP/Network or something.
> -Seth

The one thing that I would find really nice, is to abstract the users
view of the system so that it appears that the desktop (or whatever the
doc refers to it as :) ) appears as the "root" of the system, similar to
the pre-osX mac.


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