Re: [Usability] [RFC] Proposed AbiWord preferences dialog mockup

On 4 Jun 2003, Christian Neumair wrote:
> >
> > This isn't true. In Abiword you can drag and drop and toolbar buttons by
> > Right-press-drag and place them on other toolbars or in a different spot
> > on the toolbar if "Allow customizable toolbars" is set. Otherwise the
> > toolbars are set to the default layout.
> OK, so in fact the libegg toolbar editor could be useful. Do you think
> it's a good idea to ship libegg code with abiword?

Not right now. We're trying to find the time to get all the bugs in
AbiWord-2.0 squashed. We don't have time to play with experimental code.
Plus I really don't like the idea of shipping what is meant to be a
production application with dependencies on unproven code.

Maybe when we next get into an experimental mode sometime after 2.0.

On the other hand there is nothing stopping a libegg hacker grabbing a CVS
copy of AbiWord and proving their 31331 hacking skillz by showing how
AbiWord-2.0 would rock if we'd only use their mega-cool library :-)

Look at the code in src/ev/unix/ev_UnixToolbar*.*



PS. The interview with Nat Friedman has got me thinking that we should try
to integrate gnome-vfs with abiword for 2.0. Can't let OOo have any more
bragging rights over us :-)

> regs,
>  Chris

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