[Usability] Term: assistant

There has been some discussion on a couple of lists recently about the
terms "assistant" and "druid". As far as I understand, these terms are
being used synonymously, so we need to choose one and add it to the
Recommended Terminology section of the GDSG. 

I think "assistant" is the best term to use. "Druid", AFAICT, is really
just a spin-off from "wizard", which isn't a very descriptive term
either. Also, "assistant" is the term used by the HIG:

The following is a proposed definition for "assistant" - comments and
suggestions welcome.

Term: assistant

Definition: An interactive tool that helps you to perform a complex
task. An assistant guides you through the steps required to perform the
task. For example, the Evolution Setup Assistant guides you through the
initial configuration process for the Evolution email client.

Usage: Normal text rules. Use title capitalization for assistant names.

Tags: Prose tag rules. Use the application tag for the name of an

Example 1: You can use an assistant to configure an LDAP server.

Example 2: Click on the Forward button on the Evolution Setup Assistant.

Note: Do not use the following terms as synonyms for assistant:
      - Druid
      - Wizard

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