Re: [Usability] The new file chooser

Sitat Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>:

> Because the entry widget is not useful for selecting files.

It is useful indeed, to paste filepaths/names into. And also to pick them up
from. Say I click-maneuvre my way to a file I want the name and location of,
but can't quite remember. I find it - then I want to paste the full path and
name into a mail.

With the old file-chooser, once the file is located, I click the file icon,
double-click in the text-widget to place the text there on clipboard, then
middle-click in a mail, a chat or whatever, to paste it.

"Hi - the setting you want is in

I don't want to risk to make a typo, and it's much quicker to copy it than to
type it. Can it be done as easy with tne new filepicker?


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