Re: [Usability] Default Save Location and Default Save Filetype in UI config

Am Donnerstag, den 22.12.2005, 20:58 +0000 schrieb Alan Horkan:
> On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Gian Marco Fenu wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 21:55:42 +0100
> > From: Gian Marco Fenu <gianmarcofenu supermercatigieffe it>
> > To: usability gnome org
> > Subject: [Usability] Default Save Location and Default Save Filetype in
> >     UI config
> >
> > Hi, it's a long time I use Gnumeric and I would like to have this two
> > policy in the user interface configuration.
> Someone was just asking about that on both the Abiword and Gnumeric IRC
> channels.
> You best best would be to check bugzilla and see if such as request has
> already been filed against Gnumeric.
> I believe there is already a similar request against Abiword
> By the way this message is a little bit offtopic for this list but I
> understand it is hard to know when to just ask developers directly.

I've asked Gian to bring this up on the usability mailing list, because
I think there should be a policy, or at least discussions on default
save locations. We have to investigate the ways people use their folder
hierarchy (was that done already?). For Epiphany, using ~/Downloads, or
~/Desktop/Downloads has proven to be appropriate, when looking how my
mother uses documents, we might rather have ~/Documents as default save
location, if the software in question was not spawned from an
interactive shell.

The long-term solution is to dump everything in ~/Documents by default,
and use document tagging for organizing the stuff, and offer
functionalities on a bunch of tagged files, like

 package everything regarding "Skyscraper Project 2005" into one tar
file and send it to foo bar com

but that's just my two cents and quiet unrelated :).

Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>

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