Re: [Usability] The Desktop: useful or just a relic?

Dnia 04-06-2005, sob o godzinie 07:36 +1200, Matthew Thomas napisał:
> That doesn't matter as long as you don't have to do your filing straight
> away. You can leave stuff on your desktop until you have time to clean
> it up, whether that be once a day, or once a week, or once a month. Just
> like a real desktop. (Except that dumping stuff on your virtual desktop
> doesn't make the surface uneven.)

And just with real desktop, the result would be great mess you'd have to
clean up once a {week, month, year}, and would put off for as long as
possible, since it's a pain. And then, when you actually got around to
doing that, it'd take you 4h to do, and lots of "hell, what did I mean
by that thing?" WTF-ery. I happen to manage my real desktop using this
approach, and results ain't so hot.

I don't advocate burdening user with micro-management tasks, but desktop
is not a good place for "things you don't know what to do with". It's
hard enough to keep up with stuff I put manually on my desk, apps doing
that additionally ain't gonna help. OTOH, desktop is marvellous place to
_manually_ put stuff you're working on atm.


Maciej Katafiasz <ml mathrick org>

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