Re: Usability of terminals [Re: [Usability] Running gnome-terminal as a desktop background]

--- Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie> wrote:

> > Command lines are very powerful interfaces, and
> can be used to achieve
> > many tasks simply, quickly and efficiently. For
> ordinary use, command
> > lines could offer a lot of benefits to a user.
> How come Gnome terminal doesn't have that feature
> warning you if you
> mispell a command?  Played aroudn with a Mac and as
> terminals go I thought
> it was pretty impressive way to improve usability.

While we're on the subject of the terminal and its
integration into the GNOME GUI, there's a bug with
dragging files from nautilus onto a terminal window.
This is a useful feature: it helps bridge the gap
between the commannd line and GUI file management, but
it's broken: a file whose path has a space in it
appears without the spaces escaped, so it's useless
for the command line.

It's reported in bugzilla [1], but has been marked as
Is there anyone on this list who can look into it, or
convince the maintainers that it should be fixed?


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