Re: [Usability] Bug: Applications appearing on other desktops than started

newren gmail com (2006-08-21 at 1117.42 -0600):
> Checkout the startup-notification module from and
> take a look at the test-launcher in the test subdirectory.  Of course,
> this doesn't quite handle everything: the current startup-notification
> spec doesn't handle viewports at all, and workspace handling is
> slightly suboptimal in that it doesn't do everything that
> open-in-new-tab apps such as gedit or web browsers would want.

Thanks for the info, sounds like just needing spec improvements
(viewport, tab isues) and tool polishing (viewport, support fixed
location instead of auto discovery). Easier than starting from zero.
> Note that a huge part of the problem with terminals is that people
> aren't going to prepend all their terminal commands with an additional
> program name of some sort (they'll continue typing "foo" instead of
> "startupnotify foo").

Shell provides things like alias to create a shorter name (so
S=startupnotify) or even the full command (foo="startupnotify foo"),
there is PATH and scripts, and many more. It is more about having the
option and wanting to do it (ship a fully fledged tool, provide
examples for alias and rc files that are portable to other machines,
etc). Same could had been said about xdg-utils (xdg-open cmd, BROWSER
env var...). ;]


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