Re: [Usability] "Advanced" button?

On 2/16/06, Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Thomas Winwood wrote:
> It is true that in the balance between simplicity Gnome has gone for
> simplicity first and only now are people really starting to look at
> ways to add back the flexibility without making a horrible mess.

Really? I thought it was always about making everything work so that
it was not _necessary_ to tweak it, which of course doesn't mean that
people would not _want_ to tweak it.

Most stuff that people seem to want in terms of flexibility tend to be
indeed stuff they would _prefer_ instead of really _need_ (and thus
any reply with "no, it works fine this way" causes them to get annoyed
and start throwing the "usability" word around ;).

Focus on getting to the goal and the tool to get there will be
insignificant (as it should be).

Kalle Vahlman, zuh iki fi
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