Re: [Usability] Questions

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 08:43:37PM -0500, Juan Manuel wrote:

> I just saw chapter 4 of the gnome hig 2.0. And I want to know. Why the
> menubar must be put inside the application window? Is there any REAL
> usability difference between putting a MacOS-like menubar applet in
> the top panel which shows the menubar of the active app. And the
> current windoze-like way of using the menubar? Or is it just that it
> MUST LOOK LIKE WINDOZE B/C M$ WANTS IT or somesuch M$ drone nonsense?

I asume you ment to say, you would like to know.

Where else to put the menubar, as there is no such Mac like menu applet
(at least not that I know of, it's not included by default anyway)?

You put to question if there is a 'real usability difference'. If there 
would be none, copying Apple would make less sense than copying MS 
because of marketshare (for everything else being equal, the option more 
people are already familiar with is to be prefered.

To make such a menubar happen, first the infrastructure would have 
to be set up. This topic comes up again and again. Nobody ever managed 
to propose a solution on how to deal with alternative focus models (afaik).
Please, noone should restart this discussion without checking the archives 
first. Only new / more complete takes on it would be worthwhile.

Flinging stuff like Windoze and M$ drone makes you look ... (strikes 
other terms coming to mind) very silly.

Thorsten Wilms

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