Re: [Usability] New UI for gnome-about-me capplet

--- Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie> wrote:

> If I were on slashdot I might use 'insensative clod'
> cliche since not
> everyone has a job (or cares enough about it to fill
> in that information)

The texts of the two labels don't really match.
'Home' & 'Work'
'Personal' & 'Professional'
I'd suggest the latter, as your name at Home is the
same as your name at Work.

> The dialog seems somewhat verbose.  The two step
> process of having to
> authenticate and provide the new passwords seems
> convoluted.

I'm curious about what happens to the current password
and the authenticate button after I have
Do they both grey out?
And what about the new password fields before I have
authenticated? Logically, they should be greyed out
too, but that could make me think that I simply can't
change my password at all at this time, which is

What about simply asking the user for their password
in a separate dialog, similar to the way sudo
preftools work?
That clearly separates the authentication and the
changing steps.

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