Re: [Usability] Theme Instant Apply

On May 2, 2006, at 3:29 AM, Sven Jaborek wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 30.04.2006, 15:42 +0100 schrieb Thomas Wood:

Could anyone give me some advice on bug 149323 (HIG issues with Theme
Preferences). The issue is that the theme manager often takes longer
than one second to apply a theme, so therefore it should not be instant apply. Would it be acceptable to most people to change the theme manager to explicit apply?

That something takes longer than one second to put into effect is not a good reason to make it explicit-apply. (If it was, mail clients wouldn't have offline modes.)

Instead, I suggest: Reserve room for a small indeterminate progress indicator (a.k.a. a throbber) and a label directly underneath the list. Then whenever a theme has been selected for at least half a second but hasn't finished applying yet, show the progress indicator and label:


    @ Applying “Ocean Blue”...

When the theme has finished applying, hide the progress indicator and label. (The hiding and showing should not alter the size of the window.)

imho, the fastest solution to this conflict is checkbox like:
[x] apply new theme instantly

Or what? When the off state for a checkbox isn't obvious, use radio buttons instead:

    Apply new theme: (*) instantly  ( ) next Tuesday

Users on slower systems can turn it off.

How would they know to do that, and why should they have to?

A computer should never ask you something that it can more cheaply calculate itself. My time is too valuable to answer questions about computer speed that the computer already knows.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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