Re: [Usability] Future of the menu top bar?]

On Fri, 12 May 2006, Dan Winship wrote:

> Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 11:15:24 -0400
> From: Dan Winship <danw novell com>
> To: Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie>
> Cc: usability gnome org
> Subject: Re: [Usability] Future of the menu top bar?]
> Alan Horkan wrote:
> > Clearly Novell are targeting users already familiar with computers and
> > given their requirements it makes sense to do things similarly to
> > Microsoft unless they have a particular reason to do things differently
> > (hopefully better).  However this might not be the best choice for Gnome
> > but I think it is a question worth asking.
> Unfortunately, it's a question with no answer, since we refuse to define
> who Gnome's users are. :-/

Refuse is a strong word.  No one wants to limit our possible users but
also no one has gotten around to creating sample personas to represent
different aspects of our audience.

I haven't gotten around to it yet - I will use my student debts as an
excuse for everything until they are gone - but I would like to read up
and create profiles/personas/archetypes for Alice Bob and Carol and be
able to refer to them when trying to balance different needs of our
audience.  I'm certainly not refusing to do it but there were others who
felt very strongly about the idea who haven't done anything yet either.


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