[Usability] Real progress screen for file-roller (Gnome Archive Manager)

This is mainly due to the lack of useful feedback from the command-line
utilities file-roller uses to handle the decompression. I'm sure that it
would have a proper progress dialogue, if it weren't for the
short-comings of the command-line utilities.
I think that depends on how details you want to get.  I think it would be nice to see movement of the progressbar every time a file is completed.  We know the total amount of files when it is loaded.  We can see them.  Why not use that for the total and for each file progress one step of the total.
Bam, good'ol progress bar made.
GUI dependent users everywhere will sing praises and dance.

Jason Brower
Gmail has over 2.7gb of storage space and it is growing?
What does your web mail have?

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